
Toddlers each reach that place where the me-do-it-my-way kicks in, and even if their will hasn’t been crossed, they can translate it that way. Presto, a tantrum!

For children from the foster care system, these can erupt more easily, and sometimes with more gusto than we would think the issue merits. Foster parents learn that by being present, showing up with consistent love, and not wavering, they are helping to carve new patterns for traumas experienced in times before the child came into care.

With over 407,000 children in foster care in the US alone, it’s clear that more loving foster homes are needed. Stats that show that foster children are often vulnerable to human trafficking indicates that there are aspects of the system which are broken, and not all foster homes are created equal. One gay couple sexually abused two boys couple-arrested-for-sexually-abusing-adopted-sons-child-porn.html whom they adopted, using them to create child porn. With numbers of recorded abuse over 600,000, and human trafficking of children hitting a spike, it is crucial for us to counter this with active foster homes which are committed to loving children faithfully.

The Esmé Home Team does this, and we are thrilled to have this Impact Team partnering with CCC. Thank you for championing them with us! The cliche “it take a village…” has lost it’s edge, but at the Esmé Home a refreshing take on this is unfolding. The local church, committed families, and excellent teamwork is making it possible for foster care to work well. Thank you for your partnership with this team!

Tantrums? Yes! They happen. And each one is followed by a long and laugh-filled cuddle with a toddler who knows he is loved, safe, and belongs. His reasons for being frustrated are heard, even in baby-lingo, and then he gets up and goes on, grin restored.